Full Stack Developer Resume to Download [+ guide and top tips]

As a Full Stack Developer, you understand both frontend and backend, but do you know how to fully optimize your resume? Improve the efficiency of your career path by using our professional resume writing templates to speed up the development process by 100%.

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ResumeGiants » Examples » Full Stack Developer Resume Reviewed by Career expert Updated on July 16, 2024 Written by

Every web team needs its hero.

In most dev teams that person is the Full Stack Developer.

These masterminds are able to handle both frontend and backend tasks.

They can see the big picture of how your systems work technically and visually.

You know your skills are in demand.

But like in your day-to-day work, your resume for a full stack developer job needs to also have the right architecture, details, and UX to get picked for an interview.

There’s a lot to cover here and in only a short amount of space.

How do you fit in all the right skills, experience, and certifications?

What do you prioritize on the page?

What really makes recruiters sit up and notice a full stack web dev resume?

We’ve got those answers right here.

In our guide below we explain how to plan the best resume for a full stack developer role.

This explains everything you need to know to create a perfect resume as a full stack developer, including:

Not only that, we look over fully prepared sample resumes for full stack developers to see the best ways to optimize your own finished doc.

You can use these details to build your own upgraded full stack dev resume from scratch.

And all without the usual stress that comes from agonizing about what to include.

To save even more time, you can also use our expert AI resume builder to get the job done.

Use it to conjure up a full stack developer resume in mintues from the ground up without even breaking a sweat.

Looking for further inspiration or help with related IT careers? Check the following resume guides:

Full Stack Web Developer Resume Sample

A resume is easy, right? It’s only a page or two of text.

But then the questions start.

What needs to go where on the page?

What skills should I really promote?

This calls for a pre-made full stack developer resume examples to help give a bit of direction.

Let’s look over a specially prepared sample to see how to answer these questions.

resume Example Copy to clipboard

[Full Stack Developer]

[632 Duke Lane, Newark, NJ 08861 | 732-697-8918 | huejess@gmail.com]


Certified HTML5, IBM Cloud, and Multiplatform Mobile App full stack developer with 3+ years of professional experience. Skilled with WordPress, JavaScript, PHP, and SQL and demonstrating a strong ability to improve software efficiency by over 20%.


Full Stack Developer

Humphrey Inc | Newark, NJ 2019 – 2020

Jr Full Stack Developer

Trayton Technologies | New York City, NY 2017 – 2018


BSc Software Programming

University of Southern California | Los Angeles, California 2017 – 2020

Made the Dean’s List in 2019 Achieved a 3.9 GPA Relevant coursework: Java Programming, Operating System Architecture, SQL Database design, CMS Architecture Management




Association of Software Professionals (ASP)

User Experience Professionals Association (UXPA)

Hobbies and Interests

This sample full stack developer resume combines the key things recruiters want to see.

First of all, it uses a clean design. Secondly, everything is connected.

Skills match experience, education complements the summary and extra sections do the job of selling the candidate.

Lastly, it’s concise. Nothing is over-explained or overlong.

Clean, connected, and concise.

Those 3 c’s are what makes this example work effectively.

Let’s now look over how to target each section individually to see where specific optimizations can be made.

What’s the Best Full Stack Dev Resume Format?

When you start writing your resume the first thing to decide on is the format.

When it comes to a full stack developer resume template, there’s only one solution.

A reverse chronological resume layout.

This works best as it shows recruiters the information they want to see first.

It then works backward further back into your career history, eventually arriving at your education.

Despite putting your relevant work experience high up the order, something even more important needs to be at the top of the page.

That is your name and contact details.

Obviously, the recruiter will need this to see who you are and how they can reach you.

Lastly, make sure you choose a template that can be exported in a machine-readable file format.

Most recruiters these days use applicant tracking systems (ATS) tools to keep on top of the hundreds of resumes they receive.

That means if you use an unsupported file type or add too many non-standard features to your template you’re going to get filtered out.

It’s best to use a PDF or TXT file to avoid this.

Of course, in your professional life, you’ll know these kinds of best practices like the back of your hand.

So when it comes to your full stack resume format, always remember:

How to Write a Full Stack Developer Resume Summary or Resume Objective

Your full stack developer resume template needs to grab attention right away.

Recruiters get hundreds of applications every day.

Of course, there are not nearly enough hours in a working schedule to read them all perfectly.That means you normally get less than 7 seconds to make an impression.

It’s essential to tip the odds more in your favor.What you need is a carefully clipped full stack developer job description resume summary.

Every word counts in the summary. Make sure every single sentence helps sell you for the specific job profile.

The full stack web developer resume summary is your window of opportunity to get time on your side.

It’s only a couple of sentences long.

However, in those few lines, you can get your most eye-catching skills, experience, or achievements right where they can be seen right away.

This can be made even more effective by using the advertised job description.

Using this you can zone in on what a specific recruiter requires from the candidate.

That could be the difference between them reading your template fully or it ending up in the trash.

Full Stack Developer Resume Objective Example

So let’s get down to business.

It’s time to wow your potential resume reader with an amazing full stack resume objective.

Your resume objective as a full stack developer needs to be just as precise as any line of code you’ve ever written.

It needs to hit the ground running with some skills and achievements that recruiters will want to learn more about.

Unfortunately, this is something that the full stack developer summary example below fails to handle.

Qualified full stack developer with rich experience in coding, CMS programming, and creating efficient software platforms. Skilled in organization, teamwork, and project management.

An instant nope, that’s what.

This full stack developer resume description falls flat for many reasons, not least because it’s far too generic.

What’s the difference between this and 1,000 other regular full stack web developer resume examples?

The recruiter will simply move on.

It’s important to cut to the chase with the resume summary.

In the case of a full stack dev they’re going to want to see evidence of specific capabilities.

They’ll also want some idea that you can do the work they need.

This is something the example below does better.

Certified HTML5, IBM Cloud, and Multiplatform Mobile App full stack developer with 3+ years of professional experience. Skilled with WordPress, JavaScript, PHP, and SQL and demonstrating a strong ability to improve software efficiency by over 20%.

Ok, now we have something here.

This full stack developer resume sample gets to the point quickly.

We can see right away the candidate knows their way around HTML5, IBM Cloud, and mobile apps.

These are likely to be key skills the employers have asked for.

The writer also uses a percentage to show how their work influenced positive change.

It doesn’t need to go into too much detail at this point as the statistic can be explained more in the following sections

However, it works as a great hook for the reader.

Those 7 seconds we talked about before might have just increased to 20 because of that.

How to Describe Your Full Stack Developer Experience on Your Resume

Ok, so we’ve looked at the resume summary.

Let’s now talk about the part of the doc that recruiters are really interested in.

A full stack java developer resume needs to demonstrate a good mix of hands-on work.

This might involve using examples of programming languages, project management, and working cross-functionally with frontend and backend.

Wherever possible, use statistics, budget numbers, and other measurable results that you achieved.

This will help the recruiter see that you can bring serious benefits to their company.

Get specific with roles and responsibilities for a full stack developer resume that you mention in the experience section.

Of course, this will look quite different if you’re writing a full stack developer intern resume compared with a senior full stack developer resume sample.

When handling an entry-level full stack developer resume you might have to get creative.

You won’t have as much in-person work experience at this stage of your career.

Instead of listing only jobs, consider other possible sources of hands-on work up to now.

This might include internships, college projects, or even personal projects.

The most important thing however is to only use relevant examples.

Don’t worry about part-time jobs that have little to do with programming or web architecture.

The recruiter is only really interested in jobs where you’ve actively done practical work in web development.

Full Stack Web Developer Resume Examples: Experience

Right, so we know what to get on your resume.

The big question is how it should be done.

Style-wise, it’s best to keep things clean and concise.

Detail your job title, the company, its location, and the dates you worked there first.

Then give some information about the full stack developer responsibilities for your resume as a bullet point list.

But don’t forget to tailor this to the job and to make your experience seem unique.

As you can see from the example below, not doing this can lead to pretty bland results.

Jr Full Stack Developer
Trayton Technologies | New York City, NY
2017 – 2018

Oh wow, this experience section just crashed the whole resume.

The recruiter’s eyes have probably glazed over and they’ve moved on to the next application.

An experience section with details like this isn’t going to get you anywhere.

It’s dull, it features no specific achievements, it’s way too vague.

A recruiter might read a thousand resumes like this and not be able to tell each apart from the other.

That’s bad news for you if you want to stand out in the job market.

It doesn’t matter if you’re writing a full stack developer resume on LinkedIn, Indeed, or just as a PDF.

You need to make you the biggest selling point and that means bringing something to the table that no one else has.

Let’s see a more fleshed-out example to compare.

Jr Full Stack Developer
Trayton Technologies | New York City, NY
2017 – 2018

This is something the recruiter can work with.

We’ve got clear achievements, specific tasks the candidate did, and a good picture of what they are capable of.

It’s just what someone needs to know to hire a full stack developer.

Of course, depending on the system expertise necessary, the specifics will always vary.

Whether it’s a full stack .NET developer resume you’re making or a Python full stack developer resume, you need to make sure you use information that serves the necessities of the individual role.

That way the person who eventually reads your doc will be able to react quickly and get you in for an interview.

Is Your Education Section Full of Bugs? It Might Be

Qualifications count in the world of web dev.

Without a clear and complete education section, you’re likely to run into problems.

You will usually need at least an associate degree to get hired for a full stack position.

However, no matter your educational background, you need to make sure you get the right info down when you describe it.

Only include relevant coursework and college memberships if they help qualify you for the role you’re targeting. Leave them out if not.

You don’t need to go into detail about everything you did at college.

The reader doesn’t want to know about any keggers you attended or unrelated sports you did.

What it does have to do is work in anything that shows you’ve had the right training to do the job.

Let’s look over some examples to see how that might work.

Full Stack Web Developer Resume Education Section

Focus is the key to a good education section.

When you’re about to prepare a full stack developer sample resume education section, ask yourself one question.

Does what I want to add help me get hired?

This is, unfortunately, something that the resume full stack developer example below gets quite wrong.

BSc Software Programming
University of Southern California | Los Angeles, California
2017 – 2020

Let’s talk about this.

There are a few things wrong here.

First of all, why mention a graduation date. We already can see the dates of study.

Also, the stuff about cosplaying just isn’t relevant.

Dressing up isn’t going to help you get hired as full stack staff.

Even if your costume was for Steve Jobs or Mark Zuckerberg, recruiters aren’t interested.

The information on the example above doesn’t need to appear on your resume unless there’s a good reason to.

Instead, the resume of a full stack developer needs to focus much harder on the fundamentals.

Let’s see how it should be done below.

BSc Software Programming
University of Southern California | Los Angeles, California
2017 – 2020

Ok, now things are running smoothly here.

This full stack web developer resume template works and here’s why.

It shows specific achievements that the recruiter might be interested in.

Such as your final grade, GPA, or specific honors you achieved.

Not only that, it contains relevant coursework you did.

You’re likely to have studied lots of different parts of web dev on a computing course.

Make sure to highlight the parts of those studies that link up with the job in question.

This is something you’ll need to lean on more at an early stage of your career.

However, this can even bring benefits even if you’re preparing a Sr full stack developer resume.

The Best Full Stack Developer Skills for a Resume

Software and dev skills are in high demand.

But did you know that the type of skills you add count as much as having skills in coding or web architecture best practices?

So whether you’re preparing a Java full stack developer resume or .NET full stack developer resume you need to show a mix of both hard and soft skills.

Recruiters always want to see that you can handle the technical fundamentals.

Otherwise, they’ll simply skip over your resume template and move on to another.

However, hiring staff are also eager to see that you can have good intrinsic abilities too.

That will show you can work well with others and handle different kinds of tasks.

Our list below details the kind of skills that they will want to see.

Use a good blend of these, or adapt them to a specific job description to make your final document really stand out.